SX18-BX24 board is an hardware designed to realize easily and quickly projects using
BasicX24 microprocessor manufactured by Netmedia
Besides the BasicX24, you will find on the board:
- an RS232 serial port placed on a panel connector
- a connector suitable for ER400TRS radiofrequency tranceiver module
(for further information: Trasmissioni in Radiofrequenza facili con Easy Radio)
- two test buttons
- three general purpose LEDs
- one power LED
- one general purpose 5+5 pins expander connector
- one expander connector suitable for SX16 IN/OUT board
(for further information: SX16B - IN/OUT expansion board)
- one expander connector suitable for LCD display connection
- programming micro connector
Board dimensions are 150 x 80mm and on request its metal case will be available
Board details
1 - Power supply section

Power supply is a switching kind one, with a jack external connector of 6,3mm
(just like the one commonly used in power supply adapter). Feeding voltage may
change in the range of 7 to 15V, both DC and AC; the current consumption is at least of 300mA.
2 - Serial port RS232

Standard serial port RS232C with three wires (TX, RX and GND).
3 - Led

On the board front section, in a position suitable to be mounted on a panel,
you find 4 LEDs: one is lit when power is on, the other ones are general purpose.
4 - Connector for RF transceiver module ER400TRS

On this connector you can mount Easy Radio ER400TRS module, for wireless serial data transmission.
This module allows to establish a reliable serial link, without using wires. It is equipped with
all the functions needed for a radio transmission: error control codes, retransmission management, power control, etc.
5 - Buttons

On the board you find two N.O. buttons for general purpose available for the user.
6 - BX24 programming connector

This connector has to be attached, using the appropriate cable, to the COM port of the PC
where the Development kit has been installed. It is provided for free by Netmedia and downloadable
from this URL:
7 - Expander

Three expanders on 10 pins (5+5) connectors are available respectively for:
- connecting a I/O expansion board SX16
- general purpose
- connecting an LCD display
Articles and examples
BasicX BX24 microcontrollore programmabile in Basic
Interfacciare un ricevitore GPS con un Basicx 24
Usare la scheda di espansione IN/OUT SX16 con il Basicx 24
Radio ricetrasmettitore con BasicX-24 e modulo ER400TRS
Generazione di allarmi via SMS con un modulo BX24
CMPS03 Bussola elettronica
Manipolatore Planare a due bracci
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