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SX19: Thermoigrometryc sensor LAN or radio controlled

Publication Date: 22-09-2008 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - Monitoraggio Ambientale - Schede Area SX - Telecontrollo - ZigBee -

The SX19 sensor is an accurate probe for temperature and humidity measurement accessible directly from the Ethernet: it allows having measurement nodes of the environmental parameters in any place where the Ethernet is available. The optional extension with the ZigBee module cancels also this last limit, allowing a wireless measurement and so it may be placed almost everywhere.

Hardware description

The SX19 sensor consists in a compact PCB, only 55x66mm, based on the very accurate and small temperature probe SHT75 (Sensori di umidità e temperatura monolitici con uscita digitale). It allows to retrieve temperature and humidity measurements in a very quick way and directly via LAN, without the need of wiring anything and, especially, allowing to interface almost any existing system. The (optional) possibility to equip the probe with a radio transceiver built with ZigBee technology (The Xbee and Xbee Pro modules: the wireless Zigbee transmissions made easy) makes it even more versatile and it allows also to place it in those places where it is difficult or impossible realizing a network cabling. The power supply of the probe is 5V DC and it can be simply provided by standard power adapter.

The protocol for reading sensor measurements

The communication protocol with the probe is very simple and implements a single command for simultaneous reading of temperature and humidity measurement. It is also available a second command to get the probe firmware version.

The communication is executed by opening a TCP/IP socket and sending a 6 bytes packet. The 6 byte composing the packet have the following meanings:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
Header (0x66) Command Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4

The response sent by the probe will be composed again of 6 bytes packet with the following meanings:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
Header (0x55) Command or Error Code Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 Data 4

Command for sensor reading

Reading the probe temperature and humidity measurements is carried out simply sending the following command:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
0x66 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

The probe will respond with a 6 bytes packet composed as follows:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
0x55 0x01 (o 0xFF) Tmp1 Tmp2 Hum1 Hum2

In the probe response, Byte 1 will be the replication of the command sent (0x01) in the successful case and it will have the value 0xFF in case an error occured. In the latter case, the error code will be reported in Byte 2. Error codes are:

0x01 Missing SOH The command packet misses the header
0x02 Unknow command The commant sent does not exist
0x03 Sensor error It was impossibile to read sensor state

On the other hand if the command is successful, then the Byte 1 is set to the value 0x01 and Bytes from 2 to 5 will contain the temperature and humidity measurements. To calculate the final values of the two parameters just apply the following formulas:

    Temperature = (0.01 * ((Tmp1*256)+Tmp2) - 40)

    Humidity = (-4 + (0.0405 * ((Hum1*256)+Hum2)) + (-0.0000028 * (((Hum1*256)+Hum2))^2) ))

Version serial number reading

The second command of the protocol allows to retrieve the serial number of firmware version of the probe. To achieve it, just send the command:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
0x66 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

The probe will respond with a 6-byte packet as follows:

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5
0x55 0x03 Ver Major Ver Minor 0x00 0x00

The number of firmware version will be contained in Byte 2 and 3, as "Major Ver”."Ver Minor".

Probe configuration

The only required configuration of the probe is the one related to the network parameters that must fit the LAN where it is placed. To configure these parameters, you can use the Web interface inside the Microserver hosted on the board. To access it, open a Web browser and type the URL then enter the user name admin without any password. The configuration page will be displayed, form here you can access the Network section:

Using this interface, you can configure in a very simple way the parameters fit for your network and start using the probe.

ZigBee wireless extension

On demand, you can have the probe equipped with the extension ZigBee. This way you can access the sensor directly from the wireless link, allowing installation where the Ethernet network is not available.
Large networks of sensors can also be set up, all of them can be accessed and read from a single central master board placed Inside the coverage range of ZigBee modules transmission.
For the probe communication from the central master board you need a converter ZigBee / LAN or similar interface that can be requested to Area SX.

The test software

To speed up the development and the test of probe functions, a simple test software was developed and it is provided in VB6 source code. A screen shot is shown below:

The software allows you to get the firmware version and of temperature and humidity values every few seconds.


Download Test Software in Setup version
Download Test Software VB6 source code version

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Tags: - Monitoraggio Ambientale - Schede Area SX - Telecontrollo - ZigBee -

Publication Date: 22-09-2008Hits: 49139
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  • Humidity Range: 0/100% relative humidity
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  • LAN 10/100 Mbit
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Il uIGROd-PACK è un sistema completo di telerilevamento ambientale di temperatura ed umidità controllato via Web. I nodi di misurazione sono collegati sul LAN e possono essere in un numero scalabile a piacere, mentre un'applicazione Web raccoglie, gestisce e visualizza le misure effettuate.

Il uIGROd-PACK è composto da:

4 x Sensori digitali SHT75
4 x Alimentatori 220V - 5V DC 500mA
1 x CD con software IGROd SYSTEMS e manuale

Prodotto compliant RoHs
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IGROd-SERVER è un sistema completo di telerilevamento ambientale di temperatura ed umidità controllato via Web. I quattro nodi di misurazione sono collegati con il server sul LAN Ethernet e possono essere aumentati in numero scalabile a piacere. Tutto il software necessario per: l'interrogazione dei nodi, l'archiviazione e visualizzazione delle letture; è installato in una compatta Linux box.
IGROd-SERVER può inviare messaggi di notifica allarme superamento soglie via e-mail e/o SMS grazie al modem UMTS integrato.
Il PACK è composto da:
  • 4 x Nodi IGROd-NODE-ETH
  • 4 x Sensori digitali SHT75
  • 4 x Alimentatori 220V - 5V DC 500mA
  • 1 x Un IGROd-Server completo di modem GSM/UMTS
  • 1 x Antenna GSM
  • 1 x Alimentatore per IGROd-Server
Principali caratteristiche del server IGROd
  • Processore: ARM11 da 700Mhz
  • RAM: 512Mb
  • SD: 8Gb o 16Gb
  • LAN: Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
  • Wi-Fi 802.11.b/g/n (opzionale)
  • Modem: GSM/UMTS integrato
Su richiesta può essere fornito il solo IGROd-Server o il Kit con i nodi Wi-Fi

Prodotto compliant RoHs
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