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SXFLY PRO: WiFi and LAN control system for Flyport module

Publication Date: 22-03-2013 | Versione Italiana  | English Version
Tags: - Domotica - FlyPort - Monitoraggio Ambientale - Schede Area SX -

SXFLY is a simple and low-cost system, based on the Flyport PRO module, for the realization of your remote control projects via LAN or WiFi. It can be completed with a design plastic case for the finishing of the product in all its aspects


The Flyport PRO modules have many interesting features: they are powerful, easy to program, economical, versatile, ideal for small and big projects.
The board SXLFY-PRO allows us the realization of our environmental monitoring projects, small automation systems, home automation controlled via WiFi or LAN, giving us all the needed hardware for our achievements.
Also thanks to the plastic case suitably designed for the board, we can give a professional appearance to our systems too succeeding to have an actual finished product.

Hardware features

Version with FlyPort PRO Wi-Fi module

Version with FlyPort PRO Ethernet module

The hardware equipment of the SXLFY board includes:

  • A host for a WiFi or Ethernet Flyport PRO module
  • A relay 48V/3A
  • A connector for temperature / humidity sensor SHT75 (Sensore termoigrometrico SHT75 cablato)
  • 2 inputs / outputs (4 if the sensor is not used) configurable in digital or analog or serial/I2C CMOS (0-3.3V) mode.
  • A slot for microSD card
  • A button
  • A two-color LED
  • Power Input 5V DC
  • Recharging circuit for Li-Ion 3.7V battery (the battery is optional)

Backup battery

Module Programming

Programming the Flyport modules does not require any investment; all the tools are included in an easy IDE interface, available for free on the internet.
The simplicity of programming and the wide range of libraries make the implementation of any application practically immediate; moreover Area SX provides small functions to interact with the SXFLY hardware without writing a single line of code.

Possible applications for the boards are endless: thermostat, surveillance and activation via Web of remote inputs / outputs, temperature and humidity logger, remote activator of loads, devices controller via serial port.

The applications have to be uploaded on the module OpenPicus using the MiniUSB programmer board for FlyPort modules:

Plastic case

The plastic case with blue finish, which has been realized for the SXLFY PRO, has all the needed holes for the board housing; on the rear part there are holes for: the terminal blocks of the relay, access to the button, the ethernet socket (Ethernet version of Flyport), the RJ11 connector suitable for the temperature and humidity sensor or any external inputs, the power connector and the slot for the microSD card insertion.
On the top panel there is a hole with a light-guide to make the internal dual LED visible from the outside, able of playing 3 different colors.

Useful Links

Mini guida per cominciare ad usare la SxFLY PRO


Download  SXLFY PRO schematics: SXFLY_PRO.pdf

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Tags: - Domotica - FlyPort - Monitoraggio Ambientale - Schede Area SX -

Publication Date: 22-03-2013Hits: 42458
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  • Tensione: 3.7V
  • Corrente: 1600 mAh
  • Range operativo: da 3V a 4.2V
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. The board features:
  • An host for the Flyport module (WiFi or Ethernet)
  • A rele 48V/3A
  • An SHT75 (temperature and hmidity sensor connector
  • 2 input/outputs (4 if the sensor is not used)
  • a microSD card slot
  • a button
  • a two color led
  • Power input (5V)

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